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Education Naturally

It is our intention to provide education naturally. Our outdoor classroom provides an opportunity to experience characteristics of the environment in a natural setting.

This allows our teachers to take a hands-on approach and move their educational curriculum outdoors. Our outdoor classroom is intended to give children an opportunity for hands-on learning and real-world applications of various subjects, such as, mathematics, science, social studies, and language arts. We explore in our outdoor classroom daily. The cycles of the garden, seasons and science of plants and animals help guide our focus. The bugs that we find in the garden could start us talking about different topics. We can investigate how plants grow, dig in the dirt, work in our worm box, etc. Running and rolling outdoors makes getting exercise effortless.

Reading, playing and exploring outside is a wonderful source of creativity, inquiry, projects and activities all year long. We enjoy nature walks around the school premises to see what's going on outside our fence and observe seasonal changes. We compost our kitchen scraps and turn them into nutritious soil for our garden. The compost makes our plants, vegetables and flowers healthy and happy. We love to harvest seasonal fruits and vegetables to share for lunch and snack.